10 Mountain Climbing Training Tips

Climbing a mountain is no small task, but these 10 mountain climbing training tips will have you on your way to a successful climb in the near future.
  1. Take an orienteering class.  Contact your local mountaineering club to find out when they have a mountaineering class scheduled.  Learn to use a compass and gain some survival skills before you think about making a large climb.
  2. Start resistance training workouts. While endurance is important for mountain climbing, don't discount the importance of strength.  Basic resistance training is adequate for mountain climbing.  You don't need to purchase any fancy equipment because dumbbells and your own body weight provide all the necessary resistance. 
  3. Eat right for mountain climbing.  A good climbing diet should get 50% of its calories from carbohydrates, 25% from protein, and 25% from fat.  This is the time to stop eating fast food, and start concentrating on high quality food that you can make at home.  If you just can't get enough healthy protein in your diet or if you just get tired of eating all the time, you can always supplement your diet with protein shakes. 
  4. Take the correct supplements.  When buying supplements, you shouldn't be looking for a quick fix or a magic elixir to make you a better athlete.  Training for mountain climbing means that you will have a need for some extra vitamins and minerals those who don't climb mountains.  Make sure you are at least taking a multi-vitamin and an antioxidant supplement. 
  5. Meet other climbers.  Talk to other climbers that have climbed the mountain you have set your sights on climbing.  Ask them about their conditioning routine and what experiences they had while climbing.  This is also a great way to find a climbing partner for future climbs.   
  6. Increase your aerobic conditioning.  Reducing excess body fat will go a long way towards helping you reach your mountain climbing goals.  Your daily workouts should be high-intensity with few breaks. Try hiking, walking, running, and climbing stairs to increase your aerobic conditioning.
  7. Start a stretching routine.  Stretching is important to avoid injury and increase joint mobility.  Stretch for just a few minutes before and after your workouts to increase joint mobility and avoid injury.  It is also a good idea to create a stretching routine you can follow about two times per week for 20-30 minutes. 
  8. Acclimate for high altitude climbs.  You can do everything right and still get acute mountain sickness.  Make sure you arrive a few days before a high altitude climb to acclimate to the reduced oxygen.  Don't try to climb too quickly, and make sure to increase your water intake during your climb. 
  9. Embrace the fear.  Climbing can be scary.  Your judgment may become impaired from fatigue and altitude at certain points during the climb.  Don't allow the fear to control or consume you;  instead, recognize that the fear can keep you safe and alive. 
  10. Find mental focus. Climbing isn't just about the physical preparations required to make it up the mountain.  It is also about preparing your mind for the difficult task you are about to undertake.  You must be completely focused on climbing the mountain.  If your mind wanders, you may be injured or die. 
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    1. Mountain climbing may pose some danger if done without proper supervision and professional training. No book or guide can help you to learn practical tips for your adventure journey.

      climbing advice


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