The Perfect Pitch by Ken Rotcop

I met Ken Rotcop at one of his three day workshops here in Arizona, learning about screen writing and getting my book ready to pitch to Hollywood movie producers.  Ken was the head of several major Hollywood studios, and gave me great insight about how to get Murder on Everest on the big screen.  I think Brad Pitt would make a great Scott Devlon, and his wife Angelina Jolie a great Tarja.  Do you agree?  
Murder on Everest is selling at a record pace, and the readers love it!  Right now I'm busy writing the final mystery in the Summit Murder Mystery series, Murder on Kilimanjaro.  I will keep you posted on future events as Murder on Everest the movie evolves and when the grand finale of the murder series, Murder on Kilimanjaro comes out!

To order your copy of Murder on Everest, CLICK HERE!  For more information about the Summit Murder Mystery series, CLICK HERE!


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