British Adventurer Begins Antartic Crossing On Skis
A 33-year-old British adventurer set out on skis November 25th, 2011 to attempt a historic solo crossing of Antarctica. Felicity Aston aims to become the first woman to make it across the frozen continent alone. She expects the journey of more than 1,000 miles (1,700 kilometers) will take about 70 days. She announced on Twitter that she was setting out from her starting point at the Ross Ice Shelf. "Having breakfast looking at the mountains. The quiet will take some getting used to," she said in one message. Later, she wrote: "With the first step of my journey I start the long road home." She is pulling a sled with supplies and first will be headed up the Leverett Glacier. Boerge Ousland of Norway previously made a 64-day trip across the continent in 1997. But he harnessed the wind when it blew in his favor by strapping himself to a parachute-like sail. If successful, Aston would become the first person using only muscle power to cross Antarctica alon...